About the Tree

Plant Expectations  / Characteristics

InnovaTree is a large upright-oval shade tree ideal for larger yards and parks. This versatile tree quickly produces shade and privacy. Its heart-shaped leaves turn golden yellow in fall.

  • Tree size: 75+ feet tall
  • Spread: 40 feet
  • Seeds: Seedless and cottonless.
  • Leaf Retention: Good late-season leaf retention.
  • Disease resistance: Resistant to stem canker and leaf disease.

Growing Information

  • Light: Full Sun
  • Soil: Prefers moist, well-drained soils. Grows best in well-drained loam, sandy loam, clay loam, and light clay soils. Will tolerate occasional flooding and drought. Keep well watered, but does not like wet feet.
  • Hardiness: Zones 3-6
  • Lives: Up to 70 years

Early weed control is recommended for optimal growth and survival of small seedlings.

Tree Uses

InnovaTree makes a quick shade tree! For landowners it is great for privacy screens, wildlife habitat, landscaping, windbreaks, conservation plantings, and firewood. Wild animals and birds will use hybrid poplar as a cover and food source. Commercial uses include carbon markets, phytoremediation, biomass, pulp, and lumber products.

Because of its fast growth and aggressive root system, it is best to not plant InnovaTree near power lines, roadways, or buildings.

Growth Rate

By volume, InnovaTree grows 64% faster than leading commercial varieties. Under good conditions it grows up to 10 feet/year, reaching 35 feet in less than 5 years.

Frequently Asked Questions


Patent status; IPC certification

The InnovaTree™ trademark is owned by the University of Minnesota and may not be used without the University’s written permission. In addition, the 'NextGen' variety is protected by a US patent and is registered with the International Poplar Commission.

Close up of hybrid poplar leaves on a small branch

InnovaTree leaves

A tall man standing in a plantation of poplar trees approximately 25 feet tall.

6-year-old InnovaTree plantation